Sunday, December 08, 2013

Sunday Roundup

from here

Listening to: London Grammar, Daughter, Damien Rice

Focusing: with Rainy Mood

Admiring: these perfectly-timed photos

Drinking: plenty of tea, too much black coffee to meet deadlines in my half-recovered state

Eating: a bag of treats from M&S a friend of mine brought over last weekend to brighten up being at home

Signing up for: the 2014 Blogger Challenge, hosted here - are any of you taking part?

Reading: SRA Accounts Rules. Thrilling. Also, this incredibly insightful article by Christopher Hitchens about Iran. I wish there were more positive pieces like this written about Iran. I contributed with this piece here (which was also my first post on this blog)

Feeling: sad that we still live in a world where a person revealing their sexuality makes headline news

Thinking: that as a person in my early-20s, I have not experienced anything even a fraction as impacting in politics as those in South Africa, and many other places worldwide have. It is pure luck which society we are born into. Having relatives my age in Iran is a constant reminder of this.

Have you encountered any revelations this week?

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  1. That quote from Nelson Mandela is beautiful :)

  2. i might consider of joining that blogger challenge! lovely sunday round up

    thanks for tweeting your blog link!

    Katrina Sophia Blog

  3. Lovely that your share you thoughts, I used to have a bf who was from Iran it is sad a country is given such negativity.
