And by "lush" I mean the company/noun, not the adjective that pre-uni I thought was only used to describe valleys and greenery but is increasingly employed as a synonym for "lovely". Am I the only one whose tongue it just doesn't roll off that naturally unless talking about grass?
ANYWAY, this post is a beauty-inspired post which is fairly uncharacteristic, mostly because I have no knowledge of cosmetics/beauty whatsoever. I have only just, at the tender age of 22, plucked up the courage in recent months to buy make up from one of those fancy make up concessions in a department store...yes, THAT is what we are dealing with here ladies and gents, a makeupophobe (no that is not a real word, you klutz)
My university friends will tell you that I don't know the difference between foundation and powder (what actually is the difference?), can't apply mascara without smearing it across my face and have no idea how to use a make up brush. Luckily this meant that getting ready for nights out was a lot less lengthy for me as I either stuck to basics (mascara and Vaseline HA!) or avoided it altogether. So no, this post won't be about make up as I truly have nothing to offer in that field whatsoever. Anybody who wishes to give me a tutorial in beautifying myself then please feel free; I will not be offended!
Instead, and only because they were (very generous) gifts (ie. I did not buy these items with a view to reviewing them), I thought I would share my latest LUSH items with you. Mostly because they look and smell yummy and in any case, they aren't cosmetics really.
In all honesty, the shop gives me a headache when walking past, let alone venturing inside, but I am beginning to think that it is worth it to retrieve a golden gem of a product. The individual items smell wonderful! The following items (bar the soap) smell good enough to eat which I suppose is on the whole fairly acceptable as one is honey flavoured (are non-edible things "flavoured"? Probably not), one is for the lips and the other smells of sweets!
The "Sweetie Pie" shower jelly is probably my favourite product as it is in a pot and needs to be kept in the fridge, which are interestingly characteristics shared with another of my favourite things - hummus. It also smells like it tastes of jelly babies so it is very aptly named. I also like things that are unconventional in nature like the fact that it is not a run of the mill standard squeezy bottle. It is a pot. For instance, I have a tin saying "biscuits for my sweetheart" on it, but which actually contains a mix of felt tip and fine liner pens. Gotta keep my sweetheart on his toes.
"The Kiss" is a very clever little item, I think. Perfect for those occasions when you ask somebody what they would like for their birthday and they respond with "just a kiss!" Gift sorted! It tastes sweet and delicious too and unlike the countless other lip items I own or have tried (ok, ok, just the Vaseline!) it makes my lips look happy and shiny.
Do my lips look happy? Sorry you've not caught them on a good day... Cringe either way. |
I've not tried out the soap yet but it scores points on its excitably-patterned wrapping, and the shampoo is apparently ideal for brunettes. Perfect for mountain bears.
Wash time just got fun again! And the rabbits are happy too :) :) :)
Have you got any insightful comments to make about LUSH products that aren't to do with how they smell, the admirable ethics of the company or what they taste like?
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