After getting all robed up and faffing around with the awkward mortarboard and hood (top tip - take safety pins!!), I spent some time catching up with friends and having photos with my family. I enjoyed having a studio photo done because I know my parents will be excited to put that up on the mantelpiece... but what I really loved was messing around with my family and the fun photos my Dad took.
One of my sisters is currently on the other side of the world and couldn't make it so we missed her lots...
...we're going to Photoshop her into this one!
I felt lucky all day :)
It was nice to be back at uni for the day and each part of campus reminded me of different things, from fun nights out to buying Dairylea Dunkers from the union shop to mundane things like the hustle and bustle of walking between buildings in the rush just before a lecture started. It felt like nothing had changed! I thought I would feel nostalgic but really it felt like I could just slot right back into campus life as if I hadn't left.
The actual ceremony definitively marked the end of an era and the beginning of the rest of our lives really. Yippeeeeeeeee!

Dinner was at my one of my favourite restaurants, Turtle Bay! This is a Caribbean place with delicious food and excellent cocktails.
I'm not sure whether I will ever go back to my uni again and that thought make me feel a little sad but on the whole, it was an extremely happy and exciting day. I never really imagined that it would be.
I don't know whether the day was so lovely just because I hadn't bigged it up in my head beforehand but either way, it made me realise that you should just take opportunities when they are given to you because you may be pleasantly surprised :)
ahh i'm glad you decided to go! congratulations (a tad late of me but still, congratulations) and you have some really great photographs. graduations are such a nice way to finish everything and celebrate it with your family, and yours looks really lovely! x