Monday, August 19, 2013

Adopting a kitten

Last week we adopted a kitten from a local animal shelter. The volunteers there looked after the animals so well - what a cool job! They had ducks, birds, dogs, cats and an old rabbit, but we were there to look at kittens specifically. It was all very easy - we rang up to make an appointment in advance and then spent some time getting to know the cats so we could figure out which one to take home with us.


Look how cute all these little babies are! How on earth were we meant to choose between them all?!

We had to think about it overnight and still when we returned the next day, we were debating between three different ones. They were put to the cuddle test and then another little one got involved. The decision became to be between FOUR! Which one would you have picked? They were very different in personality and each had their own loveable traits. It felt awful having to just choose one to take home - we wanted to take them all!!

The animals had all been rescued or handed into the shelter to be looked after and they are really cared for very well. They all seemed happy which was lovely to see because most of them had been through hardship. We ended up choosing this little kitten.....

Say hi to Cosmo!

He is a playful little thing with a mischief in his bones and the cutest zig zag markings. He even has a little black heart on his chest. His favourite thing at the moment is hiding under my bed/tables/the sofa, getting confused at his reflection when he passes by the piano and trying to grab my Glastonbury wristband or necklace. 

It is lovely how much life this little addition has injected into our household. Thanks and welcome, Cosmo :) We promise to look after you always :)

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  1. Oh my gosh! So many cute little kitties! I had exactly the same problem when it came to choosing my two, we had 25 to choose from! I hope you enjoy your new little bundle of fluff =) he's adorable!

    Sophs xx
    The Sopho Diaries

    1. It is so tricky isn't it?! I felt mean not being to take them all with me - you lucky thing getting two ;) what are their names? Xx

  2. Anonymous8:16 pm

    Such a lovely post. Cosmo is gorgeous and he has come to a lovely home!! Makes me miss my missing pussycat even more. Ah! Bella xx

    1. Thank you :) I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty <3 xxxxx
