Sunday, September 01, 2013

Sunday Roundup

Seeing: the view above from the 10th floor of UCL hospital
Listening to: Bastille

Waking up to: kitten meows
Eating: hospital food...gross. And anniversary cake chocolate fudge cake - YUM

Watching: Pretty Woman (for the first time), Great British Bake Off and Dragon's Den
Laughing at: the kitten hanging off the kitchen work top with his legs dangling, all so he could grab at a plant

Finding the silver lining in: being told by the mean receptionist that I can't visit Mike during certain hours so instead lying in the sunshine.
Admiring: my pretty anniversary flowers

Yesterday marked six years since Mike bought me a Fab ice lolly and said he wanted to "start seeing me", to which I replied "Are you asking me out?" and he nodded. The rest is history as they say! We're both currently burdening the NHS so unfortunately couldn't celebrate properly but have lovely things planned for October/November in various places. I will share those with you as they happen. Words don't really do him justice at all but he is a keeper for sure.

St Mawes, 2009.
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  1. Happy anniversary! Sorry to hear that you're both sick for it, though. Hopefully your belated anniversary celebrations will make up for it a little!

    Gorgeous flowers and the cake looks yummy, too!

    Angela xx
    Little Apple Tree

    1. Thank you! I am really looking forward to them :)

  2. Great photos and happy anniversary! 6 years, that's a long time! :D

  3. Happy anniversary! Great pictures!<3

  4. wow 6 years?! that's great! so happy for you :)
    ♥ HerNameIsTrina ♥

  5. Oh gosh six years seems like a lifetime! Hope you're both feeling better soon too, though that is a lovely view from the hospital! x

    The Little Things

    1. I know, it was a real treat! Thanks so much, Louise :) x

  6. So sweet Beeta, hope you and Mike feel better soon xxx
